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Review: Peacemaker – E.M. Hamill

Peacemaker - E.M. Hamill

Genre: Sci-Fi

LGBTQ+ Category: Bi, Gay, Gender Fluid, Intersex, Non-Binary, Poly

Reviewer: Rari

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About The Book

Third-gender operative Dalí Tamareia thought their life as an ambassador ended when they joined a galactic intelligence agency. When they’re yanked out of the field and tapped to negotiate the surrender of deadly bio-engineered warriors who crashed into hostile territory, Dalí is thrust headfirst back into the tumultuous world of galactic diplomacy.

Dalí has faced Shontavians before, but not like these. The stranded mercenaries are highly intelligent and have an agenda of their own. Dalí can’t afford to be distracted from the negotiations by their own demons or the presence of a charming diplomat with a mysterious past.

As a brewing civil war threatens to derail the entire mission, Dali must use all their skills to bring this dangerous situation to a peaceful end—but the Shontavians may not be the biggest monsters at the table. Someone is determined to see Dalí and their team dead before they discover the brutal truth hidden in the wreckage.

The Review

I’m broken-hearted and traumatised. Poor Dalí!

Peacemaker has Dalí playing ambassador yet again. The facility where Shontovians are bio engineered has crashed on Ursetu, and the Ursetu have lost control of their creations. They have applied for a membership to the Remoliad, and need someone to negotiate with the Shontovians. Dalí is the perfect person, since they have already dealt with Shontovians successfully once.

The second book of the Dalí Tamereia series fills in more details on the Ursetu, their inhumane treatment of Shontovians and on Sumner’s background. Alecto Sim, the head of the Remoliad Security Council, turns out to be an old acquaintance/friend/lover of Sumner’s. Lord Rhix of the previous book is actually prince Nazheer of Ursetu, and he makes an appearance in this book as well, as does Gor and the crew of the Thunder Child.

Dalí and their friends have their work cut out for them, as they realise that someone high up in the Ursetu government is behind the crash, and that the Shontovians are expected to kill the queen. Dalí has to ensure their safety and survival while the clock is ticking for them all.

As entertaining a read as the first – I’m really looking forward to the last book! If you really like sci fi, especially involving alien civilisations and cultures, moral quandaries, queer characters, action, spaceflight and fights, you will love this book.

The Reviewer

Rari is an author and editor writing under the name of Niranjan K. She is an avid reader of all things fantasy, and loves to discourse at length about her favourite books as well as shows. This blog is the space where she will be sharing her views and insights of the books, shows and movies that she likes.

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