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LITERATURE: Author Calls for More Gay Romance

Peter Ness

Award-winning gay author Patrick Ness has called for more depiction of gay romance and sex in literature. He has warned that gay teenagers risk being abandoned to “porn and Grindr“. The British-American author, best known for his young adult books Chaos Walking and A Monster Calls, said in an interview this week with The i that, for same-sex relationships, “authors tend to shy away from anything much beyond a kiss or a fleeting reference”. “A book with two boys being intimate, still – still! – in 2017 feels risky,” he said. “Why should that be? Why doesn’t the 17-year-old me deserve to … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: The Voice in My Head, by Sarah Ettritch

The Voice in My Head

QSFer Sarah Ettritch has a new FF sci fi romance out: When Izzy’s virtual assistant implant experiences a catastrophic failure, she receives a new implant with a unique personality. Chloe, as Izzy dubs her, is wonderfully supportive and helpful. Despite knowing that Chloe isn’t a real person, Izzy falls in love with the voice in her head. Can a relationship with an AI be as meaningful as one with a person? Is Izzy destined for heartbreak? Amazon | iBooks | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Google Play | Smashwords Giveaway I’ll give away a copy of The Salbine Sisters, … Read more

John Boyega Teases ‘Star Wars’ Gay Romance

John Boyega previously dismissed any rumors of a Finn/Poe gay Star Wars romance, but now that Episode VIII has started filming, he seems to be changing his tune a bit. After winning the Rising Star Award at last weekend’s BAFTAS, Boyega seemed to throw a bit of red meat to the Finn/Poe ‘shippers, saying to reporters: “What’s so funny, I posted a video the other day of myself working out, skipping, and in the background Oscar is just like, ‘Yeah baby go on!’ and people just went crazy. But as far as I’m concerned when JJ [Abrams] sat us down … Read more

“The Lightning-Struck Heart” by T. J. Klune

Genre: Gay Fantasy Length: Novel   SAM HAVERSFORD is a great and powerful wizard! Okay, not really. He’s just a wizard’s apprentice. But he is powerful! And one day he’ll be King’s Wizard to the heir apparent, Prince Justin. The only problem? Prince Justin is kind of a dick, and is marrying the super dreamy Ryan Foxheart… the same super dreamy Ryan Foxheart that Sam’s had a crush on since forever. Too bad Justin’s a dick. Too bad Ryan swore an oath to serve him. Under normal circumstances, Sam wouldn’t be too upset that Justin then gets kidnapped by a … Read more

“Between the Lines” by J. Scott Coatsworth

Genre: Gay Urban Fantasy Romance Length: Novella   Brad Weston is the chief of staff for a Republican California state senator, and it seems like he has everything going for him. Sam Fuller, fresh out of college, is also working for the GOP as Weston’s aid. They work hard for their party, even when they face constant homophobia, but neither really knows how bad they’re discriminated against until Weston enters an antique shop, looking for a present for his boyfriend for their anniversary. The enchanted trinket he finds exposes Weston to all the hate in the world, and the revelations … Read more

“Song of Oestend” By Marie Sexton

Genre: MM Fantasy Romance Length: Novel Song of Oestend takes place in an alternate reality and resembles the Old West, but with some odd technologies, ancient mysticism, and ghosts thrown in for fun. I would feel comfortable labeling it as steampunk, paranormal, or fantasy, but I labeled it as fantasy because both steampunk and paranormal fit into that genre. Aren Montrell is a social leper from the city, and to get away from it all, he travels to Oestend for a job as a bookkeeper. Of all the cities he could have chosen, I honestly have no idea why he … Read more

Vietnam Bans Gay Romance Novels


Vietnam has banned gay romance novels following media reports that they are ‘poisoning’ young people. The ministry of culture sent a letter to publishers ordering them to stop printing ‘clichéd, useless, obscene and offensive’ romance novels, most of which are translations from Chinese. It also told them to review all their published books and remove anything ‘indecent.’ Earlier this year, the media condemned Chinese romance novels, singling out danmei – gay erotica – for special criticism. The books, most of which started as web fiction, were accused of giving young people unrealistic ideas about love and relationships and even promoting … Read more

“Infected: Paris” by Andrea Speed

Infected: Paris is a novella by Andrea Speed, and a prequel to the Infected series. I had only read Infected: Prey, the first book, before I read this. I really liked Paris. I’m a sucker for a black-haired, blue-eyed beauty. The narrator is mainly Roan McKichan, but there are some Paris point of view scenes as well. If you start with this book, you’ll still get the general set up of the world, which takes place in contemporary Seattle, where everything is essentially the same, except that a small percentage of the population has a cat infection…or turns into a … Read more

Announcement: Poseidon, by Cree Storm

QSFer Cree Storm has the fifth book out in her Twelve Labors historical fantasy MM series out: Hunter has never liked pompous, overbearing men, and that was Poseidon. When Hunter is told he is Poseidon’s mate he refuses to have anything to do with the God of Atlantis. Fearful of Hera and Aries’ wrath, Hunter is taken to Atlantis, where Poseidon must convince Hunter he is not the man Hunter thinks he is before it’s too late. When Hunter has a run in with mermen determined to go to war against the people from the land below, he decides that … Read more

Announcement: First Love, by Andrew Q. Gordon

Andrew Q. Gordon has a new free fantasy read out from Dreamspinner, a prequel to his book “The Last Grand Master”: On a visit to Yar-del with Grand Master Heminaltose to celebrate his age of majority birthday, Farrell catches the eye of Lieutenant Cameron, a handsome young officer in the Queenʼs Guard. But having spent most of his life cooped up at Heminaltoseʼs school for wizards, Farrell is clueless as to palace intrigue. He is unaware that his access to the queen is something others would greatly prize. When the queen points out that his suitor is the son of … Read more