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Disney Theme Parks Drop “Boys and Girls” language to Make All Kids Feel Welcomed

Disneyland - Deposit Photos

Disneyland and Disney World have dropped a gendered “boys and girls” greeting as “part of a broader effort” to promote gender inclusivity. Fireworks shows at Disneyland and Disney World in Florida formerly began with: “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, dreamers of all ages.” But the new announcement drops the gendered terms and instead simply welcomes “dreamers of all ages”. Visitors were first greeted by the new inclusive message on Thursday (1 July) when the fireworks show was tested at Walt Disney World in Florida, according to the Orange County Register. Disneyland and Disney World fireworks displays had … Read more

DC Comics Honored For Queer Inclusivity

DC Comics

Queer superheroes like Batwoman are earning DC Entertainment, one of the largest comic book and superhero entities, a prestigious award. GLSEN, the national organization championing LGBTI students and issues in K-12, is giving its Visionary Award to DC. The award will be presented at the GLSEN Respect Awards on 20 October at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills. The award ceremony began in 2004 and honors individuals and corporations who have made a significant impact on youth in the community. The ceremony takes place in both Los Angeles and New York every year. Previously, the Visionary Award has gone … Read more