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Review: Suck a Little Happy Juice – J. Scott Coatsworth

Suck a Little Happy Juice - J. Scott Coatsworth

Genre: Non-Fiction, Writing Reviewer: D.B., Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon | Universal Buy Link About The Book Being An Indie Author Can’t Be That Hard, Right? So you want to be an indie author. Or maybe you’re scared to do it all yourself and are looking for a publisher, but want to know more about the nuts and bolts of the book business. Either way, this book is for you. Scott is a thirty-year small press veteran who shares his knowledge— from the snarky to the sublime—and answers your questions: What should you consider before you start to write? What … Read more

New Release: Writing Fantasy – C.J. Solomon

Writing Fantasy - C. J. Solomon

QSFer C.J. Solomon has a new non-fiction fantasy book out: Writing Fantasy. Are you a fantasy author who wants to create more vivid worlds or give them greater depth? If so, this is the book you have been waiting for. Subjects covered include: This is the perfect book for writers of fantasy. Get your copy now so that you can take your writing to a whole new level. Please note that only the paperback version is illustrated. Get It At Amazon Excerpt his book is less about telling you how to write and more about guiding you through the three … Read more

New Release: Management Lessons from Game of Thrones – Fiona Moore

Management Lessons from Game of Thrones - Fiona Moore

QSFer Fiona Moore has a new fantasy-inspired non-fiction book out: Management Lessons from Game of Thrones. This intriguing and absorbing book takes a look at aspects of Westerosi society and politics from an anthropological and organizational studies angle. It shows both how management theory influenced the world-building in the Game of Thrones franchise, and also how students, academics and managers can draw on the series to further enhance their understanding of concepts in human resource management and organization theory. Based on a detailed knowledge of Game of Thrones but grounded in serious management research, Fiona Moore provides a tour of … Read more