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Review: Luck of the Draw – Addison Albright

Luck of the Draw - Addison Albright

Genre: Romance, Light Fantasy LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Jay Get It On Amazon About The Book Drawing the short straw is bad luck … isn’t it? A treaty between three warring realms calls for a mass wedding ceremony amongst their eligible princes and princesses to solidify the peace. But since the number of males and females differ, one of the marriages must be between two of the princes. Prince Obren of Canna draws the short straw, sealing his fate, and Prince Dukan of Butari volunteers to be the other half of the nontraditional marriage. The two princes fought nobly in … Read more

Amazing Queer Disney Couples Art

We love these Disney couple reinterpretations, which pair heroes from the various films with other heroes of the same gender! The artist Isaiah Stephens drew the first set of women in honor of pride month, and the latter set – of men – for By Jack Flanagan – Full Story at Gay Star News =