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News: Star Wars – Could Poe Dameron be Gay?

Could the X-wing pilot be gay? Ever since the new Star Wars film came out the blogosphere has buzzed with fan theories about its characters and possible future plots. But one in particular might have some plot relevance. Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) appears as the first hero of the film: A handsome hunky pilot reminiscent of Han Solo in the original trilogy. During the course of the plot, his role is eclipsed by John Boyega’s character, Finn. Some bloggers have opined the two have some scenes together suggesting something a romantic relationship. Full Story at Gay Star News

Star Wars Plus Donald Trump – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Darth Trump

Have you been confused by the steady stream of tyrannical nonsense spouted by GOP presidential wannabe Donald Trump? Wondering just what the hell it all means, and what will happen, God forbid, if he somehow rides a wave of hot air infused bullshit into the White House next year? The geniuses at YouTube channel Auralnauts have a preview for you with this supercut of Star Wars baddie Darth Vader spouting Trump-isms. Here’s hoping the Force is with us, looks like we’re gonna need all the help we can get. Story from Joe.My.God

Yet Another Star Wars Trailer

Star Wars explosion

Thanksgiving doesn’t really rhyme with Star Wars Episode VII, but given that Disney wants to break the record of trailers before a theatrical release, here’s a brand new trailer full of exclusive footage. This time, the new trailer is all about the bad guy. You may remember him from his crazy-looking lightsaber in previous trailers. As you can see, this year’s dark lord gets the Death March theme from John Williams’ soundtrack. But it looks like he isn’t perfectly trained and he’s still learning a few things from the villain-in-chief. In this trailer, you can also spot Han Solo, the … Read more

SNL Star Wars Auditions: The Next Generation

I don’t think this tops Saturday Night Live‘s original version of Star Wars auditions done during the 20th anniversary of Star Wars and featuring Kevin Spacey (also included below), but this new version for The Force Awakens is worth watching. It even features appearances by The Force Awakens stars Daisy Ridley, John Boyega and director J.J. Abrams. Hilarious. Full Story from SF Signal

News: A Second Star Wars Trailer… From Japan

By now we’re used to seeing a second trailer for a hotly anticipated movie and being, well, disappointed. Too often there’s very little new tid-bits to actually warrant a watch. Not so with the new trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. And that may have something to do with the fact that this latest trailer comes from Japan. Feel the force grow stronger. Full Story at