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ANNOUNCEMENT: Unsafe Words – Loren Rhoads

Unsafe Words - Loren Rhoads

QSFer Loren Rhoads has a new queer spec fic short story collection out: “Unsafe Words.” In the first full-length collection of her edgy, award-winning short stories, Loren Rhoads punctures the boundaries between horror, dark fantasy, and science fiction in a maelstrom of sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll. Ghosts, succubi, naiads, vampires, the Wild Hunt, and the worst predator in the woods stalk these pages, alongside human monsters who follow their cravings past sanity or sense. Get It At Amazon | Publisher | B&N | Excerpt Excerpt from “Still Life from Shattered Glass” from Unsafe Words by Loren Rhoads The moment … Read more

Wonder Woman Will Be Presented as Straight in New Film

Wonder Women - Gal Gadot

Well that’s disappointing. Despite a long history of Wonder Woman being bisexual in the comics, there will be no signs of this in the new film. Gal Gadot, who previously starred in Batman v Superman and will take on her own solo movie next year, has said there will not even be a hint of LGBTI love in Wonder Woman. ‘It’s not in the film,’ Gadot told Yahoo after being asked about it. ‘In the film, she falls in love with a man [Chris Pine’s fighter pilot Steve Trevor]. In general, I read this article as well. By Joe Morgan … Read more

Writing Characters Who Aren’t Like Us

I posed the question “Why is there no market for FF sci fi, fantasy (or romance fiction in general)?” recently in the MM Gay Sci Fi group on Facebook. There were some great, thoughtful responses to the post, but the one that struck me most came from Angel Martinez: “even if you haven’t written a specifically F/F story – how many of you have included lesbian characters in your work?” And I realized that I have never had a lesbian character in one of my stories. Even though they often feature gay characters, and I believe in inclusion. I have … Read more