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Review: Artifice, by Alex Woolfson

Now I see what all the fuss is about. I just finished reading the graphic novel Artifice, by Alex Woolfson (illustrations by Winona Nelson). When we planned to attend Rainbow Con, Angel was all excited about the featured guest, some guy I’d never heard of. Turns out Alex had the table across from QSF in the dealer room – he’s a great, sweet, personable guy. I’m sorry it took me so long to review this, Alex! I planned to buy it at RC, but Mark dissuaded me – apparently because he wanted to surprise me for Christmas with a signed … Read more

“Channeling Morpheus” by Jordan Castillo Price

Genre: Urban Paranormal M/M Romance Length: Novellas   CHANNELING MORPHEUS is a series of ten novellas. It focuses on a vampire hunter, Michael, and a vampire, Wild Bill, who fight to stay together. Sometimes the forces that pull at them are other vampires and humans, and sometimes it’s their own natures. Michael’s on a revenge mission to kill every bad vampire. And despite his love, sometimes Bill sleeps with one eye open, because he knows there are no bad or good vampires, or humans really–they’re all killers–and it’s only a matter of time before naive Michael comes to the same … Read more

Merry [Insert Holiday Name Here]!

Hey all, Christmas is around the corner, and since it’s the one Mark and I celebrate (with gifts and egg nog and lots of board games), QSF will be off for a day tomorrow. But it’s far from the only holiday this month. So tell us which one or ones you celebrate – Festivus, Kwanza, The Solstice, Hanukkah, or something else entirely, and how you do it. :) Do you do a big family thing? Go out for a movie while the rest of the world is indoors? Order Chinese from the takeout down the street? Do you tell each … Read more

SpaceX Rocket Makes History, Deploys 11 Satellites, Returns Safely


SpaceX made history Monday night when it successfully launched a Falcon 9 rocket into orbit, deployed 11 satellites, and then brought the 15-story booster back to Earth for a soft, vertical landing just six miles from where it took off at Cape Canaveral, Florida. It marks the first time billionaire Elon Musk’s Space Exploration Technologies Corp., or SpaceX, has attempted to land a rocket on land and the first ever successful attempt to recover a rocket from an orbital flight, NBC News reports. As the rocket came to rest on its landing pad, a SpaceX webcast commentator confirmed, “The Falcon … Read more

Announcement & Giveaway: Realm of the Polar Bear, by Alex Morgan

Realm of the Polar Bear

Note: leave a comment on this post with your email to win a free eBook copy of one of Alex’s older books! QSFer Alex Morgan has a new GENRE book out: Stranded by a blizzard on his way home for Christmas, Jarrod waits for death by freezing in his pickup, until a large, white-haired, bearded man steps out of the forest to rescue him. Jarrod is reluctant to follow the handsome man but decides his chances of survival aren’t good if he stays in his truck. Caleb takes Jarrod to a warm, inviting cabin in the middle of the forest … Read more

Discussion: Evolution’s Next Step


Human beings are the product of millions and millions of years of evolution. Even in the last several hundred thousand years, we’ve evolved from monkey-like creatures who lived on the African Savannah to iPhone wielding socially connected creatures of a modern society. And while evolution usually moves forward at a slow and steady pace, there is some evidence that it can, in times of species stress, that it can move with relative lightning speed. And we’re nothing if not stressed these days. So what’s the next stage of evolution for humanity, and how will it come about? Get out your … Read more

How People A Century Ago Imagined We’d Dress Today

As the end of the year approaches, experts and pundits start rolling out their predictions for next year, and the year to come. But seeing into the future is a bit more challenging than these predictions make it seem — as the fascinating images below demonstrate. These fantastic visions of what fashion would look like in the future were published by W. Cade Gall in The Strand Magazine in 1893. The ideas, which were recently featured in The Public Domain Review, are based on the principle that fashion had moved in “waves” over the 19th Century, and would do so … Read more

Announcement: Bound Volume 2, by Amy Lane

Bound V2

QSFer Amy Lane has a new fantasy/paranormal book out: Cory’s newly bound family is starting to find its footing, which is a good thing because danger after danger threatens, and Green can’t be there nearly as often as he’s needed. As Cory learns to face the challenges of ruling the hill alone, she’s also juggling a menage relationship with three lovers—with mixed results. But with each new challenge, one lesson becomes crystal clear: she can’t be queen without each of the men who look to her, and the people she loves aren’t safe unless she takes on that queendom with … Read more

Discussion: Changing the Paranormal Paradigm


Today’s topic comes from QSFer Freddy Mackay: Changing the paranormal paradigm in LGBTQ fiction. Some writers go outside what we’ve seen in gay romance, but they are borrowing from straight fiction, are there any more ways we can change paranormal to make it *new* or are we dependent on character and plot. It’s a great question. We’ve seen such an explosion of paranormal titles – for a while, it was vampires, then shifters of all sorts. What’s new/next for LGBT paranormal fiction? How can we break out of the box?

Announcement: The Artist’s Masquerade, by Antonia Aquilante

The Artist's Masquerade

QSFer Antonia Aquilante has a new fantasy book out: As the first-born son of the Duke of Tournai and cousin to the prince, Cathal has always tried to fulfill his duty to family and country, including following through with an arranged marriage to Velia, cousin to the emperor of Ardunn. But it’s Velia’s companion, Flavia, who fascinates Cathal. Cathal doesn’t know that Flavia is really Flavian, a man masquerading as a woman to escape Ardunn, a restrictive place in which Flavian’s preference for men is forbidden. Even when Cathal discovers Flavian’s true gender, he cannot fight his attraction to him. … Read more