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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: no way out, by Eric Alan Westfall

no way out

QSFer Eric Alan Westfall has a new MM historical romance out: It’s April of 1816 in Another England. And Jeremy—a whore from the Dock—is living in a guest bedroom at the London home of the (in)famous Iron Marquess, with over fifteen days missing from his life. For someone who remembers everything from his third birthday on, it’s unnerving not to know. Fine, fourteen days for the coma and the infection delirium. But those first thirty-six hours. Do they explain how he got hurt, how he got to Ireton House, and why his lordship’s mountain-sized valet is taking care of him? … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: A Dance of Water and Air, by Antonia Aquilante

A Dance of Water and Air

QSFer Antonia Aquilante has a new MM fantasy out in her new Elemental Magicae series: A Dance of Water and Air. Edmund is heir to the throne of Thalassa and a wielder of Water magic. Devoted to his kingdom and his duty to it, Edmund can do nothing but acquiesce to an arranged marriage with the queen of a neighboring kingdom. The marriage and the child it is required to produce will seal an alliance between Thalassa and Aither that is vital to Thalassa’s safety, and far more important than Edmund’s personal misgivings. Arden is the younger brother of Aither’s … Read more

Me Me Monday!

Me Me Monday

Welcome to M3: ME ME MONDAY at our FB discussion group – your chance to pop in and tell us about your latest success. Have a new book or short story coming out? Let us know. Just sell something? Let us know so we can cheer you on. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate post so we can comment on yours specifically –Check out the other posts and congratulate and share them too! And congratulations!!!

SCIENCE: The Human Eye Can See ‘Ghost Images’

eye - pixabay

Scientists have discovered that the human eye has a spooky ability. It can detect “ghost images.” These are images that are encoded in random patterns, previously thought only detectable by computer. But in a new paper posted online on the preprint server arXiv, scientists in Scotland at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh and the University of Glasgow have found that the human eye itself can do the required computations. “Although the brain can’t individually see them, the eye is somehow detecting all of the patterns, and then keeping the information there and summing everything together,” said study co-author Daniele Faccio, a … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY – The Order: Revelation, by Brad A. Townsend


QSFer Brad A. Townsend has a new queer fantasy book out in his Order series: The Master continues his plans to break The Order, inflicting as much pain and turmoil on the lives of Team as possible. New friends and old become embroiled in the fight and are used as tools to try and attain his goals, while a Message from Heaven reveals the secret of destroying their adversary. Amidst their confrontations, the guys travel to the Valley of the Tree of Life and discover more of their Nephilim Heritage, and secrets that revolve around the mysterious origins of The … Read more

FOR READERS: What Makes it Queer?

queer - pixabay

FOR READERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Lindsey Wilson: How much LGBTQ content is needed for a book to be “a queer book” versus a “a book with some queer people in it”? How much queer representation is “enough” to qualify as a queer book, in your opinion? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! This is a legacy chat. Join the chat

TECH: Order Your Flying Car Now!

Flying Car

The world’s first flying car will be available to pre-order next month. A Chinese company called Terrafugia is preparing to unleash a vehicle called the Transition which can turn from an automobile into an aircraft in just a minute. The most striking aspect of the Transition is its folding wings, which extend to allow flight and can be retracted when driving on roads. It is fitted with a parachute system as well as a ‘boost’ mode to give a ‘brief burst of extra power while flying’. The Chinese news agency Xinhua said pre-sales will begin in October. Terrafugia previously said … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Moonrise, by Hannah L. Corrie

Moonrise - Hannah L. Corrie

QSFer Hannah L. Corrie has a new MM sci fi book out: Moonrise. Fed up with this world? Thought about moving to Mars? Not enough distance? Well, then! What if you had the chance to become something completely different? To change what you are and leave the world you know, the solar system you know, behind? Would you take the plunge? Yago Solas never got to ponder and much less answer those questions, but he faces the consequences when an escaped alien creature infects him with a mutating virus that takes everything from him, even his humanity. The experiments intended … Read more

The Victorian Netflix – Live Science

Magic Lanterns

Netflix didn’t exist during the Victorian era, of course, but people living during the 1800s and early 1900s had another way to binge-watch: the “magic lantern.” According to new research, these early projectors were much more common and accessible than previously thought. Magic lanterns — basically an early form of the slide projector — could show 3D and even moving images (much like today’s GIFs) to entertain a captive audience. But given the lanterns’ high price tag, modern historians long suspected that few but the wealthy could afford these projectors. But new research finds that middle-class families regularly rented these … Read more