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ANNOUNCEMENT: Teresias Bound, by Rebecca James

Teresias Bound

QSFer Rebecca James has a new trans MM sci fi book out: Aiden is a man in a woman’s body. His dream is to fly to Aquarix where the elusive Fluens–the only species capable of changing his life record and physically making him a man–reside, and for years he’s been working at a seedy brothel in Solarias to save enough money to make that dream a reality. Lydo, the prince of Teresias, has spent his youth leading his father’s army and avoiding his responsibilities on his home planet. On brief leave during a dangerous mission, he stops at a brothel … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Blood Borne, by Archer Kay Leah

Blood Borne

QSFer Archer Kay Leah has a new queer (ace, genderqueer, panromantic, trans) fantasy tale out: For Ress, survival is a complicated nightmare. Caught between two masters on different sides of the law, his life is falling apart one bad decision at a time. All he wants is to be is a good person, a loyal family man, and a successful metalsmith—a dream he can never obtain while he works for the Shar-denn, the violent gang that plagues the republic of Kattal. To make matters worse, he works as an informant for the High Council. He scrapes through both jobs waiting … Read more

Womb Transplants for Trans Women?

womb transplants

An NHS doctor has suggested that transgender women in the UK may be a decade away from accessing womb transplants. As part of ongoing research into the procedure, at least three cis-women could be given wombs through a new charity-funded program launching this year. A similar womb transplant procedure could make it possible for transgender women to get pregnant and have babies. Uterine transplants have already been successful in Sweden. At least five children have been born to womb-less women using a procedure similar to the ones NHS doctors are working towards. By Ashley Vega – Full Story at Gay … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Goddess Forsaken, by Amy Allen

Goddess Forsaken

QSFer Amy Allen has a new queer urban fantasy book out: In a world not too different from our own, where the things we consider fantasy are an everyday reality, a new goddess has just been born. There haven’t been new gods in nearly two centuries. Lacuna must work together with vlogger Khath and gamer Snap to get across the country, gather followers, and meet with the gods. If she succeeds, she will be officially divine. If she fails, they will consume her, and the world will go back to the way it was. Amazon Excerpt Urd is not a … Read more

Boogieman In Lavender Review: Heiresses of Russ

Jeff Baker

The story was that some people had learned to read again.—-line from “The Tip of the Tongue” by Felicia Davin. That most conventional of female archetypes, the bride, figures in several of the unconventional stories in “Heiresses of Russ,” the 2016 edition of the best Lesbian speculative fiction of the year, edited by A. M. Dellamonica and Steve Berman and published by Lethe Press. Leading off is the first of several award nominees, (Nebula nominee, shortlisted for the Hugo and Tiptree awards) “Grandmother-Nai-Leylit’s Cloth of Winds,” by Rose Lemberg. A story of gender fluidity, magic and deepnames where men and … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Margins and Murmurations

Margins and Murmurations

QSFer Otter Lieffe has a new trans time travel book out: Imagine you had the ability to move through your own life, to revisit your past and foresee your future. Which events would you long to remember and which would you forget? Would you want to know what the future holds? This is the story of Ash, a trans woman and healer living in a corner of Europe controlled by a militarized state. Amidst the economic crash of the 2020s, this land, once a hub of diversity, saw the rise of a state-imposed monoculture of gender, sexuality, ability and race. … Read more

Arrow, Torchwood Star John Barrowman Launches Pro Trans Campaign

John Barrowman

John Barrowman turns 50 on Saturday (11 March) and he is using the milestone occasion to make a statement. The Arrow star took to Instagram to share with his more than 650,000 followers his first T-shirt campaign of 2017 which supports transgender equality. ‘Our transgender friends and family need our help and support as a lot of decisions are going to be made on their behalf that don’t take their needs and rights into consideration,’ wrote the prolific actor, singer and author. By Greg Hernandez – Full Story at Gay Star News

Review: “Transcendent” – Boogieman In Lavender


“Transcendent,” edited by K.M. Szpara, is the latest “Best Of” collection from Lethe Press. The question arises, would there be enough Transgender-related speculative fiction for a full anthology, let alone an annual series? The answer, judging from the fifteen stories assembled here, is “yes.” The stories display a surprising variety, never straying from Trans characters, (some not obvious) or themes. Transformation is an obvious recurring motif in the stories but when it occurs, it is often in subtle and startlingly different, and entertaining ways. “The Librarian’s Dilemma,” by E. Saxey, features a group “seeding” an archive, The Hairad Collection, which … Read more

Angel’s Bits – Transgender Awareness Week

Hi all and Happy Friday! This week is Transgender Awareness Week, November 14-20. Instead of me talking about this, I want to signal boost The Trans Fiction Week blog project that Matthew Metzger spearheaded. The blogs this week focused on inclusion, on non-binary issues as writers, and on getting writers past that “can’t” mentality one often hears from cis-gendered writers. Some of the wonderful and informative blogs include: Beyond Punctuation: Editing Diverse Content Safe Spaces, and Safety Writing from the Closet (a non-binary writer’s view) Gun Control (a cis-gender writer’s view on the importance of inclusion) If it’s Cis, It … Read more

Queer Fantasy Roots: Gender Transformations in Ovid’s Metamorphoses

Ovid Metamorphoses

(My apologies for posting this a couple days late. I’m deep in editorial revisions of my current novel Mother of Souls and am scrambling to keep up with my blogging schedule.) We sometimes think of Greek myth as representing an ancient pre-Christian religious tradition, but many of the most elaborate and familiar sources for these stories come from relatively late, primarily literary authors who were re-working fragments and allusions into carefully crafted stories with a didactic or satirical purpose. Many of the familiar Greek stories of transformation come down to us in their most elaborate form, not from an early … Read more