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CO2 reaches Levels Last Seen Before Humankind Evolved

pollution - Live Science

There is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than there has been for 800,000 years — since before our species evolved. On Saturday (May 11), the levels of the greenhouse gas reached 415 parts per million (ppm), as measured by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii. Scientists at the observatory have been measuring atmospheric carbon dioxide levels since 1958. But because of other kinds of analysis, such as those done on ancient air bubbles trapped in ice cores, they have data on levels reaching back 800,000 years. During the ice ages, carbon dioxide levels in … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Dreams, Memories, and Reality, by Edward Kendrick

Dreams, Memories, and Reality

QSFer Edward Kendrick has a new MM paranormal romance out: Dreams, Memories and Reality. Philip lives alone with his dog Barnabas, miles from the nearest mountain town. Late one evening, while he and Barnabas are out running, they are attacked by a very handsome male. Philip shoots him, immediately regrets it, and brings him home to deal with his wounds. Soon he realizes there is something very different about the man, beginning with the fact he is unable to speak or understand English. Adam is different. Other than recalling his name, Ád-hamh, he has no memories, including why he ended up naked … Read more

FOR READERS & WRITERS: Mixing Sci Fi and Paranormal

FOR READERS & WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: Do you ever include supernatural aspects in your work? Readers? Do you like your sci fi with a side of paranormal? Writers: This is a reader & writer chat – you are welcome to share your own book/link, as long as it fits the chat, but please do so as part of a discussion about the topic. Join the chat

Did Life Begin Before the Earth Was Formed?

young solar system - NASA

Life may have arisen in our solar system before Earth even finished forming. Planetesimals, the rocky building blocks of planets, likely had all the ingredients necessary for life as we know it way back at the dawn of the solar system, said Lindy Elkins-Tanton, a planetary scientist at Arizona State University (ASU). And clement conditions may have persisted inside some planetesimals for tens of millions of years — perhaps long enough for life to emerge, said Elkins-Tanton, the director of ASU’s School of Earth and Space Exploration and the principal investigator of NASA’s upcoming mission to the odd metallic asteroid … Read more

FOR READERS: Favorite Voices

microphone - pixabay

FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Ryane Chatman: Readers, who are some of your favorite narrators? And why? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

SPACE: Why Is the Universe Moving Too Fast?

The universe is moving too fast and nobody knows why. Back in the early years of the universe, right after the Big Bang, everything blasted away from everything else. We can still see the light from that blast, by observing very faraway parts of the universe where light takes billions of years to reach our telescopes. And we can measure how fast things were moving in those faraway spotsBased on that speed, we can calculate how fast the universe should be expanding today. But when astronomers have tried to directly measure how fast the universe is expanding today — a … Read more



QSFer Sara Rayne has a new queer sci fi book out, a prequel to “The Idle Hands series: Malware. What did Riley Quinn build?It’s an urban legend.A cyber myth.A secret. On the eve of graduation from the Sharp University of Technology, her team of hackers celebrate the fruits of four years’ labors. Tomorrow they gift their invention to the world. Tensions are high and the lines of friendship will get crossed on their last night together. But awkward moments and unresolved sexual tension will be the least of their morning-after worries. Because Project: Devil’s Playground is more than it seems. It’s a … Read more

REVIEW: Once Upon a Wolf, by Hurri Cosmo

Once Upon A Wolf

Title: Once Upon a Wolf Author: Hurri Cosmo Genre: Parnaormal, Historical LGBTQ+ Category: MM Gay Publisher: Painted Hearts Publishing Pages: 113 Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book Hawk is alone, hiding from the world, living in a tiny, rickety cabin his grandfather built. He has few supplies and fewer yet of the skills needed to survive on his own, but because of what he did, because of what his father caused him to do… well, there’s just no other choice. But then one day “Ghost” shows up. A large black lone wolf who begins to “take care … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: The Queen of Rhodia, by Effie Calvin

QSFer Effie Calvin has a new FF fantasy book out in her Tales of Inthya series: The Queen Of Rhodia. It has been sixteen months since Princess Esofi arrived in Ieflaria, and eight since her marriage to Crown Princess Adale. The princesses have a peaceful life together, preparing to become co-regents and raising their baby dragon, Carinth. Their peace is shattered when Esofi’s mother, Queen Gaelle of Rhodia, arrives in Birsgen. She has heard about Carinth and believes that she deserves custody of him due to her greater devotion to Talcia, Goddess of Magic. Adale and Esofi have no intention … Read more

FOR WRITERS: The Best Professional Organizations?

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer J. Scott Coatsworth: In your (always humble) opinion, what are the best professional organizations for spec fic writers, queer or otherwise? Points if QSF was the first thing that came to mind. ;) Writers: This is a writer chat – you are welcome to share your own book/link, as long as it fits the chat, but please do so as part of a discussion about the topic. Join the chat