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Musing on Endings – Boogieman In Lavender

                                         “All Good Things…” By Jeff Baker For this month, a brief rumination on the state of the Queer Speculative Fiction short-story. Word has reached us that the upcoming edition of Lethe Press’ fine “Wilde Stories” will be the last. Likewise, “Heiresses of Russ,” the edition reviewed in this column June 12, 2017 will be its last. This is sad news for followers of short fiction, for while there have been and will be Queer-themed short stories published in online, independent … Read more

FOR WRITERS: Designer Babies

child butterfly wings - pixabay

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Aidee Ladnier: We’ve all heard the scare tactics of politicians warning of the dangers of designer babies, but genetically modified humans are literally due to be born in the next decade. Medical science has made our lives longer and healthier. But what if scientists modify those things that make us fundamentally who we are? Why is it okay to make sure a child is not born with a genetic disease that will kill them prematurely (like cystic fibrosis) but not okay to give an child a higher IQ which would give it … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Caledonia Destiny, by Lexi Ander

COVER Caledonia Destiny

It’s release day for Lexi Ander’s new MM historical fantasy/paranormal book, Caledonia Destiny: A twist of fate changed both their destinies. The wyrbears, once a long-lived species, were being lost to the forest in their prime. A people borne of a curse, their abilities not a gift but something wrongly taken, they nonetheless live in harmony with their animal spirits. But over time the curse they lived under changed, mutated, and now what once was a refuge from the world when they became too weary is culling mathan in their prime. Ewen mhic Friscalach, the leader of his peoples, lost … Read more

COVER REVEAL/GIVEAWAY: Impact Flash Fiction Anthology


Queer Sci Fi is releasing its fourth flash fiction anthology: Impact. We have the cover reveal here today! IM * PACT (noun) 1) One object colliding with another 2) An impinging of something upon something else 3) An influence or effect on something or someone 4) The force of a new idea, concept, technology or ideology Four definitions to inspire writers around the world, and an unlimited number of possible stories to tell, but only 110 made the final cut. A difficult choice to be made. An object hurtling recklessly through space. A new invention that will change the world. … Read more

GUEST POST/GIVEAWAY: Day of Wrath, by Anna Butler

Day of Wrath

QSFer Anna Butler has a new MM sci fi book out, the final one in her Taking Shield series: Day of Wrath. In less than a week, Bennet will finally return to the Shield Regiment, leaving behind the Gyrfalcon, his father, his friends… and Flynn. Promotion to Shield Major and being given command of a battle group despite the political fallout from Makepeace the year before is everything he thought he wanted. Everything he’s worked towards for the last three years. Except for leaving Flynn. He really doesn’t want to leave Flynn. There’s time for one last flight together. A … Read more

FOR WRITERS & READERS: What Would the Book Say?

book highlighter - pixabay

FOR WRITERS & READERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Benjamin van der Wel: Much debate has been had about a book that, once purchased, should either kept pristine or can be underlined, dog-eared, marked up, or generally annotated. No one seems to ask the books about what they would prefer. If a book could talk about it, what would it say? Join the chat

VIDEO: Billy Eichner IS Captain America

Captain America

Step aside, Chris Evans — Billy Eichner is our new Captain America. Taking Twitter by storm, user @homeisarealsong dubbed over a scene from Captain America: Civil War with audio from Eichner’s comedy show Billy on the Street. In the scene, Cap is running with some of his fellow superheroes on their way to battle other superheroes (like Iron Man and Spider-Man). With the new audio, Cap shouts out: ‘Come on, lesbians!’ And really, that’s the superhero movie we all need. it’s midnight and i’m tired so i made this — lissy (@homeisarealsong) July 8, 2018 By Anya Crittenton – … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Seeking Veritas, by Marie Brown

Seeking Veritas

QSFer Marie Brown has a new MM fantasy book out: Sin, or love? Dorian seeks to rid himself of sin, to purify his soul, leaving him free to pursue a socially acceptable life and marriage. But can he? His only hope is to leave the world of the living and walk the Path of Redemption. He knows he can make it on his own. But Osval, his closest friend, insists on accompanying him. How can he expiate the worst sin of all with Osval by his side? Get it On Amazon Giveaway Marie is giving away an eBook copy of … Read more

SPACE: NASA’s New Plan to Destroy Deadly Asteroids – Live Science

asteroid strike - pixabay

NASA has updated its plans to deflect potentially hazardous Earth-bound asteroids — and none of them involve Bruce Willis. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy released a new report today (June 20) titled the “National Near-Earth Object Preparedness Strategy and Action Plan.” The 18-page document outlines the steps that NASA and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will take over the next 10 years to both prevent dangerous asteroids from striking Earth and prepare the country for the potential consequences of such an event. Officials with NASA, FEMA and the White House discussed the new asteroid-mitigation strategies … Read more