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TV: Sense8 Finale Date Set


Netflix will release its two-hour series finale of Sense8 on June 8, the company said Tuesday. “Personal lives are pushed aside as the cluster, their sidekicks, and some unexpected allies band together for a rescue mission and BPO take-down in order to protect the future of all Sensates,” according to Netflix’s description. The sci-fi series from J. Michael Straczynski and the Wachowskis was canceled last year amid reports that it cost about $9 million an episode to produce. But fan letter-writing and petition campaigns prodded Netflix to greenlight a two-hour finale for the show. By Joe – Full Story at … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Stag Heart, by Erin O’Quinn

Stag Heart meme

QSFer Erin O’Quinn has a new MM historical fantasy book out: What happens when an innocent, natural soul is thrown together with a highly attractive but morally corrupt young man? STAG HEART tells the intertwined story of three men. ~A scholar-warrior seeking inner peace in an often brutal world. ~The bad boy son of a king who needs to learn to become a man. ~An innocent, a wilding whose soul stirs in rhythm with raw nature. These three are forced by circumstance to live and learn and finally survive together on Ireland’s sacred Hill of Tara, where mischief and mayhem … Read more

FOR WRITERS: Through the Looking Glass

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FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Fletcher Delancey: We all know that readers bring their own experiences and expectations to our work. Do you find that some readers apparently read a completely different book than the one you wrote? How do you come to terms with that, particularly if their review is based on this “looking glass” version? Join the chat

The Orgasm Bomb

orgasm bomb

A US government agency has released a report about an electromagnetic weapon which can force people to orgasm. The Washington State Fusion Centre (WSFC), which assists other government agencies from local to federal level in combatting terrorism, crime, cyber attacks and disasters, made the documents public as part of a Freedom of Information Act request.  The decision seems to have been accidental, considering that the files were sent to non-profit group Muckrock in a package about anti-fascist and white supremacist groups. But now the documents are in the public sphere, and they are completely terrifying. They outline techonology which … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: The Tendire Gate, by Ashavan Doyon

The Tendire Gate - Ashavan Doyon

QSFer Ashavan Doyon has a new queer sci fi book out: After Doomsday, there wasn’t much left—a world that had fallen apart. It hadn’t been enough to boil the oceans and raze the surface with fire. With that scorched earth had come a final solution, the contagion. In a world where every breath was ash and disease, few survived. The Imperium hunted them, extracting healthy flesh to extend the life of the powerful. All the while, soaring unseen, the tools of an old order search. Hidden far from the sight of the ruthless Imperium, deep beneath the earth, the DIRE … Read more

FILM: New Short Musical Film Takes on Coming Out, Time Travel

Closets the Musical

We are all used to the idea of coming out of the closet. But in my new musical, Closets, two teens step into a closet to time-travel in LGBTI history. My original short film, Closets, is about two gay teenagers, one living in 1986 and the other in 2016. Both have the same bedroom and their wardrobe is a portal between the two periods, so they can meet. How Closets came into being I had made my first LGBTI feature films aged 20 to 27. I financed them mainly by credit cards with fingers crossed, and often met with mixed … Read more

Me Me Monday!

Me Me Monday

Welcome to M3: ME ME MONDAY at our FB discussion group – your chance to pop in and tell us about your latest success. Have a new book or short story coming out? Let us know. Just sell something? Let us know so we can cheer you on. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate post so we can comment on yours specifically –Check out the other posts and congratulate and share them too! And congratulations!!!

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Fighting for You, by Megan Derr

Fighting for You - Megan Derr

QSFer Megan Derr has a new queer fantasy book out: All Penli wants to be is left alone. After nearly a decade of blood and violence, and a lifetime of enduring his cold, ambitious family, it’s almost a relief to be practically alone in the middle of a desert kingdom with no way to return home because of the warrant out for his arrest. The very last thing he needs is to be consumed by a fit of honor and nobility—but he would much rather die than ever see the two sweet, intriguing men who cross his path forced apart, … Read more

FOR AUTHORS: Newsletter Content

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FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Charli Coti: What kind of content interests you in author newsletters? Do you only stick with authors who run giveaways in every edition, or are you in it for the news/teasers and could care less about free stuff? This is a legacy chat. Join the chat