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ANNOUNCEMENT: The Dragon’s Devotion, by Antonia Aquilante

The Dragon's Devotion

QSFer Antonia Aquilante has a new MM fantasy book out: Corentin is a scholar with a secret—his magical Talent allows him to turn into a dragon, and he isn’t alone in that ability. Long ago, dragons were hunted fiercely, until they went into hiding, becoming things of legend. Corentin has traveled the world with one aim—to protect his people and keep their secret safe. Drawn to the principality of Tournai by news of someone close to discovering that secret, he hopes to avert suspicion. His attraction to the too-serious Bastien isn’t convenient for his purpose, but it isn’t something he … Read more

VIDEO: He-Man and Skeletor Dirty Dancing

Skeletor He-Man

You may have thought to yourself this morning, “I really need to see Skeletor and He-Man reenacting the iconic scene from Dirty Dancing today.” Or you may have thought the same thing I did, “Why won’t this dog go to the bathroom? All I want is some damn coffee. Hurry up, dog!” If your early morning musing was the former – and I’m not sure why it would be, but here we are – the UK financial website is here to, uh, save the day. By Bil – Full Story at LGBTQ Nation

ANNOUNCEMENT: Jackalopes and Woofen-Poofs, by Angel Martinez

Jackalopes and Woofen-Poofs

QSFer Angel Martinez has a new MM comedy paranormal book out: Hoax animals and a consulting vampire on the prowl—Jason never thought having a cop boyfriend would be this hard. All Animal Control Officer Jason Shen ever wanted was a quiet life of rescuing lost kittens and helping animals in need. Having a paranormal cop boyfriend guarantees an end to the quiet part. What at first seems a random encounter with jackalopes in the park might be more than chance and when State Paranormal sends a handsome, charming vampire to consult with the Seventy-Seventh, he finds his relationship with Alex … Read more

FOR WRITERS: When Readers Don’t Get It

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer Bey Deckard: Here is my writer question, and I think it’s particularly for indie writers or those with small presses that have some control over their books: What do you do when someone reads your new book “wrong”? I don’t mean when a reader doesn’t get your genius and misunderstands your cunningly crafted plot line ;) I mean, what do you do when a reader picks up your book thinking it’s historical when really it’s fantasy or AU? Or when they expect the book to be all about hardcore BDSM when in … Read more

This is How the Robot Apocalypse Begins

robot army

An army of robots has assembled in China and so far they seem content to dance and break records. The move is almost certainly to lull humans into a false sense of security so we will ignore the obvious threat they pose. The 1,069 dancing “Dobi” robots set up by WL Intelligent Technology Co. Ltd. was recognized earlier this month by Guinness World Records for breaking the mark for “most robots dancing simultaneously.” By Ed Mazza – Full Story at the Huffington Post

ANNOUNCEMENT: Sunder, by Lexi Ander


QSFer Lexi Ander has a new MM Fantasy/Sci Fi book out: If Sūnder Alārd had been born female he would have been cherished for being Faeborn—born with magick—and his birth celebrated. Instead, the L’fÿn insisted on his death. Only his Panthrÿn father’s desperate escape saved him. With most Chándariāns uneasy in his presence due to whispers that he is doomed to become a darksoul, and unlikely to find a mate because of it, Sunder has nevertheless carved out an honorable existence as a warrior and commander. Now bodyguard and chaperone for the Chándariān prince, Sūnder attends the annual mating festival … Read more

Me Me Monday!

Welcome to M3: ME ME MONDAY at our FB discussion group – your chance to pop in and tell us about your latest success. Have a new book or short story coming out? Let us know. Just sell something? Let us know so we can cheer you on. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate post so we can comment on yours specifically –Check out the other posts and congratulate and share them too! And congratulations!!!

GAMES: Dungeons and Dragons More Inclusive of Queer Identities

Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons, the fantasy tabletop game, has made sure its newest editions are more inclusive of LGBTI identities. Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) was originally created in 1974. Now, over 40 years later, the popular game seeks to include people from all walks of life. The publishers of D&D released two new editions last year, Curse of Strahd and Storm King’s Thunder. Kotaku reports that the publisher of the D&D books, Wizards of the Coast, plans to make the game ‘more gay.’ Jeremy Crawford, the game’s lead rules developer, told Kotaku that every D&D adventure since Curse of Strahd has included more … Read more

U=(N/T)M*G: Ballistic

Oh, have I got something cool today! For many a year, since graphite took over as the lead in our pencils, we authors have unknowing been using a piece of what’s becoming a revolutionary material in the world. It’s Vegeta-level awesome, in my humble opinion. And oh, the things we can do with it! I’m talking about the superhero brother to friendly neighborhood graphite. Graphene. No, seriously, the stuff graphene can do reads like some sorcerer thought this up and made it. Graphene temporary tattoos are being tested for medical monitoring. Scientists are feeding it to spiders, which in turn … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT: Taoree, by Michele Notaro


QSFer Michele Notaro has a new queer sci fi book out: If you’re reading this, I hope that means that we’ve survived, but after everything I’ve seen, I’m sure that’s only wishful thinking… This is my story… a story of what happens when you trust an alien race. A race that lived peacefully with humans for over two years, but something suddenly changed. When all hell breaks loose, can we count on the Taoree to step up and help or could they be the real cause of all the terror? Three of my friends and I try to make our … Read more