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SPACE: What We Learned About Aliens in 2020

human alien - deposit photos

Here on the little space rock we call Earth, humans often wonder whether or not we are alone in this universe. Though that question was not answered in 2020, many discoveries seemed to increase the prospect of extraterrestrial entities existing. Findings on the closest planet to us, in the outer solar system and the far beyond seemed to point to the possibility that other worlds could host organisms ranging from bacteria to technological beings. Perhaps, new results in the coming year will finally reveal who else might be out there. Is E.T. phoning us from Proxima Centauri? The answer to … Read more

How the Outcome of the Election Was Like “Lord of the Rings”

Lord of the Rings

Our national nightmare is finally over. Trump is going down. Being a fantasy enthusiast and Dungeons & Dragons role-playing geek, I can’t help but see the defeat of Donald Trump in terms of the genre I love. The One Ring has been destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom, and Sauron’s mighty eye has fallen from the top of its tower. The White Witch has been dethroned and killed by Aslan. Voldemort has had all his horcruxes destroyed and is therefore defenseless when his own destructive spell is turned back at him. If you’re offended that I see Donald Trump … Read more

Now We Have Zombie Storms. Thanks 2020!

Wildfires are burning the West Coast, hurricanes are flooding the Southeast — and some of those storms are rising from the dead. “Zombie storms,” which regain strength after initially petering out, are the newest addition to the year 2020. And these undead weather anomalies are becoming more common thanks to climate change. “Because 2020, we now have Zombie Tropical Storms. Welcome back to the land of the living, Tropical Storm #Paulette,” the National Weather Service wrote on Twitter on Tuesday (Sept. 22). Earlier this month, Tropical storm Paulette formed in the Atlantic Ocean and made landfall in Bermuda as a … Read more

Are the 2020s “The Decade of Mars”?

Mars - Pixabay

The 2010s saw big advances in Mars exploration, but the new decade may bring even more exciting news — the possible discovery of Red Planet life. Scientists learned a great deal about the history and evolution of Mars in the last 10 years. NASA’s Curiosity rover mission led the charge, determining that at least some parts of the planet were capable of supporting Earth-like life for long stretches in the ancient past. “It’s been a very successful and very enlightening mission, in terms of figuring out that Mars was a habitable planet,” Curiosity project scientist Ashwin Vasavada, of NASA’s Jet … Read more