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New Release / Giveaway: We, Kraken – Eule Grey

We, Kraken - Eule Grey

Eule Grey has a new lesbian fantasy out: We Kraken. And there’s a giveaway. Kraken monsters come from the sea. Don’t they? Devora Kraken seems to have everything under control and all she could ask for. Like the neighbourhood tunnels, where she can hang out with monsters and mermaids both. If sometimes it’s not clear which is which, that’s only normal—right? Anyway, Devi has plenty else to keep her busy, including a good cop, bad cop set of family members. And if all of that isn’t enough, there’s even a cute girl at the new school across town trying to … Read more

NEW RELEASE: Returning Heroes – Harry F. Rey

Returning Heroes - Harry F. Rey

QSFer Harry F. Rey has a new MM MMM sci-fi book out, Galactic Captains book 6: Returning Heroes. And there’s a giveaway! Captain Ales has returned to the galaxy, forever changed as the powers have prepared for war. He’ll accept help from anyone if it leads to the mysterious Turo from whose cage Ales must free himself if he ever wants to return to the Red Moon. Meanwhile Daeron has been offered the deal of a lifetime by the ruler of the Seven Suns. Marry Osvai, the Kyleri prince, and become heir to the richest star-state in the galaxy while … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Eating the Moon – Mark David Campbell

Eating The Moon - Mark David Campbell

Mark David Campbell has a new MM alternate universe book out: Eating the Moon. “What if there were a place nobody else knows about—a secret place—where everyone is queer?” That’s the question Guy, a lonely elderly gay anthropologist, asks Richard, his young psychiatrist, as he searches for his tolerable truth. During each session, Guy recalls surviving the sinking of a cargo ship and being washed ashore on an uncharted tropical island alongside the ship’s first mate, Luca. There, the two young men discover a world counter to everything they have ever known—a complex society in which almost everyone is homosexual. … Read more