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ANNOUNCEMENT: The Might of the Coming Vril-Ya – RR Pearl

The Might of the Vril-Ya - RR Pearl

QSFer RR Pearl has a new MM urban fantasy/paranormal romance out, The Watchers book 2.5: The Might of the Coming Vril-Ya. Between their adventures with the Praesidum, Alexander, Rafe, Clemy, and Nori wind up in Poland, investigating a strange connection between an ancient species and Nazi forces. When Clemy’s obnoxious ex turns up, the gang and their new friend Jacob will have to combat their own secret fears – and a horde of ravening vampires to boot! Get It At Amazon Excerpt Alec, Rafe, Clemy, Nori, and Jacob padded down the dimly lit tunnel of Project Riese, looking over the … Read more