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For Readers: Queer Heroes

Superhero - pixabay

FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Brian Cherry: “I’d like to talk about queer pulp heroes or prose novels about queer super heroes.” What are some of your favorite queer super hero (or super villain) books, and why? What would you like to read more of? Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat

Trailer: Sense8 Christmas Special

Sense8 Trailer

Netflix has just debuted a trailer for the Wachowskis’ Sense8 Christmas Special that will be released on December 23. The 2-hour special is is essence the first episode of season 2 of the entrancing series that follows the lives of 8 individuals who find they are connected mentally and physically in ways they never could have imagined. While the second 10-episode season will be released in earnest on May 5, this special lays the groundwork. Co-creator Lana Wachowski says she wanted to create a holiday special because holiday specials from TV shows were so important for her as a child. … Read more

Announcement: Hearts Alight, by Elliot Cooper

Hearts Alight

QSFer Elliot Cooper has a new holiday paranormal MM romance book out: Dave Cunningham hates the rampant consumerism that’s come to dominate his family’s Hanukkah celebrations. But a chance to bring a bit of a holiday happiness to his long-time crush, Amit Cohen, helps put him in a more festive mood. In the quest to craft the perfect gift, Dave tries to urge a few personal details out of stoic Amit. Unintentionally, he learns the Cohen family’s secret: Amit is a golem. But Amit has a problem that runs deeper than his magical origin, and a Hanukkah miracle might be … Read more

For Writers: Breaking Into Pride

Sacramento Gay Pride

FOR WRITERS Today’s writer topic comes from QSFer ‘Nathan Smith: Some authors I know have had a great (and successful) time at various pride events, setting up a booth at the parades or after-the-parade areas, and I’d love to pick their brains on the hows and successes/challenges. Join the chat

Poe & Finn Get Porn Parody

Poe and Finn Porn Parody

A new gay adult film parody is finally realizing the fantasies of fans who became convinced of a romantic relationship between Poe Dameron and Finn in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Just in time of the release of Rogue One, the men behind decided to imagine (and create) what would happen if Poe and Finn (aka PoeFinn) actually got together, instead of just biting their lips and staring longingly at one another. The couple, also known as “StormPilot” by fans, are just one of four pairings in Star Wars The Force Awakens: A Gay XXX Parody. The parody also … Read more

Announcement: Power Outage, by Holly Heisey

Power Outage

QSFer Holly Heisey has a new lesbian sci fi short story out: When the Destroyer comes, worlds fall. Trauma gave Lieve the ability to fly and manipulate energy fields and she joined the Wardens in protecting her world. Now the Destroyer of Worlds has come down from the sky, and to save her world she must confront her past and the nature of her powers themselves. Giveaway Holly is offering two ebook copies of their short story Sky and Dew: In the Hallows, words are magic, and words can kill. Sky took a vow of silence and left the world … Read more

Me Me Monday!

Welcome to M3: ME ME MONDAY at our FB discussion group – your chance to pop in and tell us about your latest success. Have a new book or short story coming out? Let us know. Just sell something? Let us know so we can cheer you on. HOW IT WORKS: I’ll pin this topic to the top of our FB discussion page for the day. –Please post your announcement as a separate post, so I can also share it over to our FB page (as opposed to this discussion group). –If you want, send me your book announcement info … Read more

U=(N/T)M*G: Mnemonic

As if the ancient Greeks couldn’t have been more awesome, I stumbled on a little factoid that was the inspiration for this post. They invented the Mind Palace. If you’ve ever read the books or seen the numerous shows and movies, this is the vaunted “mind trick”that the great detective Sherlock Holmes uses, among quite a few others both real and fictional. In reality, the Mind Palace is just one variation of mind trap in a dozen under the heading method of loci, as part of a bunch of kinds of mnemonic devices. And it works, though some types of … Read more

Announcement: Masquerade, by Erik Schubach


QSFer Erik Schubach has a new lesbian sci fi romance out: Almost three thousand years after an extinction level event on Earth, mankind seeks to regain its former glory, in a new world where magic and technology collide. Laney Herder finds herself thrust into an adventure not of her choosing as Prince George asks for her assistance, in her role as a Sora of the Mountain Gypsies. She is tasked to uncover a plot to sow unrest between Highland Reach and the Lower Ten realms. As the shadow of a civil war looms over the lands of Sparo, Laney and Celeste must … Read more

For Readers: Strange Sex


FOR READERS Today’s reader topic comes from QSFer Ryane Chatman: So this falls into the sex category. Have you ever read and act, and thought, “I don’t know what that is, let me google that.”? You get your answer and are surprised. How often does that happen to you? I came across docking for the first time a couple of years ago. Writers: This is a reader chat – you are welcome to join it, but please do not reference your own works directly. Thanks! Join the chat