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New Release: The Regrets I Have are Not the Ones I Say – Or M. Bialik

The Regrets I Have are Not the Ones I Say - Or M. Balik

QSFer Or M. Bialik has a new queer sci-fi book out (gender fluid, lesbian, poly): The Regrets I Have are Not the Ones I Say. The life of an Imperial officer is one of struggle. In power armor and gun at hand, they will see more die than say goodbye. Love is an impossible dream reserved for dark corners between missions. One mission, to a world that stopped communicating, with a foreign commanding officer who treats the laws of physics as a mere recommendation will turn the world of one of them upside down. Get It At Amazon Excerpt My … Read more

Review: One of Our Spaceships is Missing – Chris Gerrib

One of Our Spaceships is Missing - Chris Gerrib

Genre: Military Sci-Fi, Space Opera LGBTQ+ Category: Ace, Bi, Gay, Lesbian Reviewer: Valerie Bean Get It On Amazon About The Book In the 23rd century, spaceships just don’t go missing. FBI agent Ray Volk is assigned to a task force to investigate a tragic accident: the disappearance of interplanetary passenger liner ValuTrip Cardinal, carrying 500 souls between Mars and Earth on a routine run. What looks like a cut-and-dried case of pressure loss is complicated by the arrival of a Martian Captain. A very cute Martian Captain who keeps sticking his nose in Ray’s investigation. Martian exchange student Kelly Rack … Read more

New Release: Amp Squad – Valerie J. Mikles

Amp Squad - Valerie J. Mikles

QSFer Valerie J. Mikles has a new queer military space opera out (non-binary): Amp Squad. Feared by her own kind. Hunted by extraterrestrial forces. Can one super soldier find her place among the stars? Lieutenant Tabitha Chiu is plagued by doubt and conflict. Still heartbroken over the loss of her AI companion and marooned on a faraway moon, the space marine and her ragtag team of super-powered civilians stand as the last line of defense against alien hunters. But when her powers pick up whispered threats of approaching invaders, she’s horrified to discover her own people have betrayed her squad. … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Tiny Planet Filled With Liars – Stephen M.A.

Tiny Planet Filled With Liars - Stephen M.A.

QSFer Stephen M.A. has a new diverse military space opera out: “Tiny Planet Filled With Liars.” And there’s a giveaway! An armada that never dies. A society on the verge. Every 30 days, Fleet Eternal arrives to surround the planet and lay siege to a complacent populace. Its armaments are unbeatable, its numbers uncountable, but the terrifying assault has one fatal flaw: a mere .01% loss in combat strength triggers automatic retreat and reset. For decades, the Unified Fiduciary Dominion has relied on the Board and its military contractors to defend the planet and maintain the knife’s edge of survival. … Read more