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New Release: Belega – Dianne Hartsock

Belega -Dianne Hartsock

QSFer Dianne Hartsock has a new MM fantasy book out, The Karthagans book one: Belega. The Karthagans have regained their ancient powers of manipulating nature, but at the price of madness. In their lust for control, they’ve destroyed their island and most of their race. They come now to Belega, where one of them, Camron, seeks domination over the known world. The Mage has come from the northern continent of Sennia to bring peace, but finding his strength no match for the coming struggle, he passes his abilities on to Natan, who only desires a simple life. Now only Natan … Read more

New Release / Giveaway: Soul Bond – Mell Eight

Soul Bond - Mell Eight

QSFer Mell Eight has a new MM fantasy romance out: Soul Bond. Soul Bond is normally the most romantic night of the year, but for Hew, that night promises to be a nightmare. Afflicted by a terrible curse, Hew knows he must either submit to blackmail or get help. Magic is illegal, so Hew must break the law and dive into the seedy underbelly of the city, where he finds more than he ever believed possible. However, even with Ren’s help, breaking Hew’s curse might ensure their executions on Soul Bond Night, rather than experiencing the romance the holiday usually … Read more

New Release: A Little Bit of Magic and a Lot of Fur – Lisa Oliver

A Little Bit of Magic and a Lot of Fur - Lisa Oliver

QSFer Lisa Oliver has a new MM paranormal romance out: A Little Bit of Magic and a Lot of Fur. “What’s wrong with you?” Devin King, wolf shifter and bodyguard, was anticipating a huge life change as his company plans to relocate. Caught up in his thoughts, he’s suddenly distracted by an incredible scent. Is his elusive mate finally within touching distance? “Did you hit your head when you fell?” Riley Loren, magicless mage and artist, wasn’t upset when a hunky wolf shifter saves him from being hit by a car, but the man was clearly deluded. Fortunately, Riley did … Read more

New Release / Giveaway: Rescue – Sean Ian O’Meidhir and Connal Braginsky

Rescue - Sean Ian O'Meidhir and Connal Braginsky

QSFers Sean Ian O’Meidhir and Connal Braginsky have a new MM paranormal romance out, Darklight book 2: Rescue. Nathen, a newly created vampire, diagnosed with autism, and his boyfriend, Cameron, a telepath, find themselves swept up into a corporate plot between two seemingly rival corporations working together to create monsters. In so doing, they uncover a piece of tech they take to their technomage friend whose skills surpass their own. However, in exchange for information, they must assist in rescuing an ally—a rescue mission that brings them face-to-face with the darker side of this world. Get It At Amazon | … Read more

New Release: Sapphire: Home and Abroad – M.D. Grimm

Sapphire: Home & Abroad - M.D. Grimm

M.D. Grimm has a new MM fantasy book out, Stones of Power book 8: Sapphire: Home and Abroad. The Dark Mage, Lord Morgorth, and Aishe of the Ravena Tribe, are to become bondmates. Morgorth is equal parts nervous and excited. He wants to unite with Aishe in the sacred dialen ceremony, to proclaim their devotion to the world, to show everyone that Aishe is his equal and deserving of respect. After all they’ve survived together, why shouldn’t they make the cosmic promise before friends and family? But duty must often come before pleasure. When Morgorth’s estranged mentor, Master Ulezander, comes … Read more

NEW RELEASE / GIVEAWAY: The Scars That Bind Us – Michele Notaro

The Scars That Bind Us - Michelle Notaro

Michele Notaro has a new MM urban fantasy out: The Scars that Bind Us. And there’s a giveaway! Sometimes the worst scars are the ones you can’t see. Growing up in the magi compound was far from easy. I didn’t think I’d ever get out of that horrid place, but eighteen years ago, my world changed. I was allowed freedoms I’d never had before, although, even today, I was still at the Non-Human Specialties Operations’ beck and call. Which is how I find myself on a team with my best friend, five shifters, and a human. Now, I have to figure … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Escape – Sean Ian O’Meidhir & Connal Braginsky

Escape - Sean Ian O'Meidhir & Connal Braginsky

Sean Ian O’Meidhir & Connal Braginsky have a rereleased MM paranormal book out, Crossing Nüwa book 1: Escape. And there’s a giveaway! Rare male weresnake Robbie has had his whole life decided for him down to his meals. But when the time comes for him to perform an unspeakable duty to his clan, he runs. San Francisco Pride is in full swing when technomage Theo spots a scared-looking young man with brilliant emerald eyes. He’s only looking for a hookup, but before he knows why, he’s taking Robbie home and introducing him to champagne and enchiladas. He doesn’t have any … Read more


Justified - Mell Eight

QSFer Mell Eight has a new MM Paranormal book out, Magnified book 2: Justified. And they’re a giveaway! The world of vampires and werewolves is in upheaval. The magical community is under attack by a great evil force set to destroy them all and Aaron, their strongest fighter, is oblivious to all around him, his nose glued to his spell book. Yani has given up hope in getting Aaron back on track. He knows he instead has to focus on his own future and the lives of those he loves, even if it means losing Aaron, the love of his … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Dragon Soldier – Mell Eight

Dragon Soldier - Mell Eight

Mell Eight has a new MM paranormal YA book out, Supernatural Consultant Book 5: “Dragon Soldier.” The aftermath of the last battle has left Nickel weak in bed and grounded for the next decade. Despite being in trouble, Nickel wants to return to the battle against the enemy as soon as he can, but thoughts of Platinum, the dragon helping to nurse him back to health, keep distracting him. Platinum can’t believe how much his life has changed. He went from being a lonely fugitive on the run to part of a family in only hours. The last few days … Read more

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: The Mage on the Hill, by Angel Martinez

Mage on the Hill - Angel Martinez

Angel Martinez has a new MM fantasy book out: The Mage on the Hill. Toby’s wild magic is killing him. The mage guilds have given up on him, and it’s only a matter of time before he dies in a spectacular, catastrophic bang. His only hope is an exiled wizard who lives in seclusion—and is rumored to have lost his mind. The years alone on his hilltop estate have not been good for Darius Valstad. After the magical accident that disfigured him and nearly drowned Pittsburgh, he drifts through his days, a wraith trapped in memories and depression. Until a … Read more